A healthy gut has billions of bacteria
They need to be in balance to function optimally
Functions of the Microbiome
Helps with digestion
Produces enzymes
Suppresses infection
Protects the gut lining
First line of immunity and resistance to infection
Causes that upset the balance
Junk food
Refined and processed foods
Low fibre diets
Infection – food poisoning
Antibiotics – causing imbalance
Symptoms of compromised gut health
Food intolerances
Leaky gut
Lowered immune system
Low energy
Can lead to depression
Diarrhoea – Simple foods that are easy to digest
Drink lots of water
Drink Quantum.Silver to kill disease causing microbes
Restore bacteria with Probiotics
Long term management for a healthy gut
Balanced diet including vegetables and fruit
Avoid processed and fast foods
Drink Quantum.Silver solution or capsules for 2-3 weeks
Drink probiotics for 2-3 weeks
QS Gut health capsules
Quantum.Silver capsules
QS Probiotics
QS Gut health Capsules combine the two above
Where to buy?
Online shop – search option or chat
Expiry is 2 years